Gestionnaire de Module


Auto update on backorder status

Auto update on backorder status

Automatically update status of orders “On backorder” when missing products of the order are back in stock.

Each time the quantity of a product (or combination) is updated from a negative value to a positive value (or null), this module will go through the orders with "On Backorder" status and check if all products of orders are now in stock.

If yes then these orders will return to their initial status or the status you have chosen (payment accepted, waiting for payment if it is not paid,...)

Backorder statuses check

Compatibility with Prestashop API/Webservice (facultative)

Backorder statuses2

Choose statuses considered as backorders. Only these statuses will be updated by the module. This option is set automatically on module installation with both default Prestashop "PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_PAID" and "PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_UNPAID" configuration values. Do not edit these values if no custom backorders statuses have been created manually or by another module.

Backorder statuses after update

Choose new status of backorders with status "En attente de réapprovisionnement (non payé)" when the stock will be updated. This will be the new status of your order if all products of the order are back in stock.

Choose new status of backorders with status "En attente de réapprovisionnement (payé)" when the stock will be updated. This will be the new status of your order if all products of the order are back in stock.

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