Gestionnaire de Module


Seo top products pages

Top pages list widget: {widget name='seotopproductspages'}
You can use this widget in any .tpl file to display list of your generated pages. By default, this widget is used at the bottom of each generated pages to create links between each of them.
Sitemap url: Open sitemap in browser
Add this sitemap url into Google Search Console sitemap tab to tell Google to index generated pages.
Top products pages settings

Note that {link_rewrite} var is mandatory. Removing {link_rewrite} will cause 404 errors

Default number of products. This setting can be overridden individually for each generated page.

Top products list will be generated from number of sales on last 3 months by default. This setting can be overridden individually for each generated page. Depending on your site volume, do not use a too large value in order to avoid slowing database query.

This text can be overridden individually for each generated page. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text can be overridden individually for each generated page. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text can be overridden individually for each generated page. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text can be overridden individually for each generated page. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

Categories selection

Pick categories for which you want to create a top products page.

Page settings: Accueil (→ See page)

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Accueil.

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Accueil.

This text will override default text for page of category Accueil. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accueil. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accueil. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accueil. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

Pick products you do not want to be included in page of category Accueil.

Page settings: Vêtements (→ See page)

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Vêtements.

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Vêtements.

This text will override default text for page of category Vêtements. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Vêtements. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Vêtements. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Vêtements. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

Pick products you do not want to be included in page of category Vêtements.

Page settings: Accessoires (→ See page)

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Accessoires.

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Accessoires.

This text will override default text for page of category Accessoires. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accessoires. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accessoires. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Accessoires. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

Pick products you do not want to be included in page of category Accessoires.

Page settings: Art (→ See page)

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Art.

This setting will override default number of products per page for page of category Art.

This text will override default text for page of category Art. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Art. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Art. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

This text will override default text for page of category Art. Available vars: {category_name}, {top_products_count}, {months_history}, {year}, {shop_name}.

Pick products you do not want to be included in page of category Art.

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